Friday, January 17, 2014

Lorelei James - Blacktop Cowboys Books 1-5

Lorelei James will always be one of my favorite authors for her series Rough Riders. It was this series that showed me how much I love series that span families and generations each book focusing on someone new but keeping you up-to-date on the others.

In the Blacktop Cowboys series Lorelei has done it again. Not with one family this time, but with a group of friends that made themselves a family. These friends prove that sometimes the families we choose are stronger than the ones we are born into.  

The Blacktop Cowboys are unique in one very special way that endears itself to me. Not everything works perfectly every time.  Don’t get me wrong the sex scenes are turn-up-the-air-conditioning hot, just not every one of them.  Yet somehow Lorelei creates a moment that is even better because it isn’t perfect.

CORRALLED is probably my favorite. It's the first book I've read where the threesome didn't work. Hank and Kyle go into the threesome relationship reluctantly and from the beginning there is jealousy, one-upsmanship, and competition. The only time in the book the two straight men find themselves naked in bed with Lainey after sex trying to sleep, it is awkward and uncomfortable and one of the guys end up sleeping somewhere else. I felt sorry for Hank as he realized that maybe he was wrong about what Lainey wanted or needed sexually and worried that Kyle “had brought his A game to the bedroom and Hank had rested on his belief that he had it in the bag.  I laughed sympathetically as Kyle was “contemplating writing love songs? Serenading her by a campfire? Or in the moonlight?” In the end only one gets the girl.  It is raw and honest and I loved it. 

The rest of the books continued to have their honest moments.

In SADDLED AND SPURRED, the first time Bran and Harper have sex it wasn’t the “multiorgasmic fulfillment of all her long-held sexual desires, in fact she concluded “The reality never lived up to the hype.”  Trust me Bran more than makes up for it.  As for Bran, it was interesting getting into his head.  In a moment of contemplation Bran things that as “a guy aware of his level of attractiveness to the opposite sex, Bran knew he wasn’t butt ugly, yet he also knew he hadn’t been blessed with the same head-turning good looks as his buddies”. Whether that’s true or not, knowing that Harper felt that even Renner Jackson “doesn’t have anything on Bran Turner in the looks department” reminds us that it is all about perspective and that our other half doesn't need to be perfect he just needs to to be perfect for us.

In WRANGLED AND TANGLED, Tierney doesn’t have multiple, or any, orgasms the first time she has sex.  But the later scenes in the office (and the bed, and the corral, and the hotel) made sure we didn’t feel too sorry for her.  As for dominatrix Tierney, watching her find her power was hot, but not quite as hot as when Renner took over.

ONE NIGHT RODEO and TURN AND BURN  each had their raw, honest perfectly imperfect moments too.  Each one different and each one something real people, men, women and couples, face every day.  And all of their happily ever afters were better for them.


Until then I happily go back to the world where a virgin has multiple vaginal orgasms the first time, and every time, she has sex and thank all of my amazing authors for it.

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