Saturday, January 4, 2014

Kallypso Masters - Somebody's Angel (Rescue Me #5) (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)

Dear Kally:

I have just put down Somebody's Angel (actually my ereader) and am sitting here still trying to process this book.  I am honestly emotionally tired.  

Through this book I wanted to smack Marc so many times, almost as many as I wanted to comfort him and hug him. Angelina you get a smack, a hug and a medal.  Remind me to never get on this girl's bad side and book me in anywhere she is cooking. Sign me up for the detail to pull out Melissa's hair (long and short). Castration is way too good for Paolo, it is so hard to believe anything good came from that waste of space.  Gino you deserve (another) medal for saving your brother over and over.  

But truly Natalia is the hero of this book. This woman has sacrificed so much. Loved so much. Hurt so much. She has built a business, cobbled together a family and raised them well and love Papa with all of her heart. And when it came time to face the music she did it with dignity and honor and the love her family at her six.  

So as I crawl out from under the table, from inside the closet, from the depth of the long gone wolf's lair and from behind the mask, I sigh quietly and curl up in front of the fire and grin stupidly at the ring. It was all worth it. 

Thank you for the wedding, I would have needed a drop sheet and a towel had I been there.  Thank you for the blade and butterflies that are still making me smile. Thank you for Adam, there is no better friend, top, Sargent and no bigger mush ball (don't tell him I said that).  And thank you for Master at Arms family, because that's what they are.

Kallypso Masters Somebody's Angel definitely gets my recommendation. 

Now can we talk about Cassie and Luke and don't forget about those babies, I have to be there for that. 



  1. Oh, my! Thanks for steering me to your letter. My Google alerts only tell me about pirate and torrent sites, so I would have missed it! So glad you connected with my latest installment in the Rescue Me saga.

    And now back to work I go on Luke and Cassie's happily ever after! I know everyone has waited beyond patiently for that one!

    Thanks so much! I'm going to share a link to here in my discussion group where most of the participants have read the book and won't have an issue with spoilers. But you're right about Natalia. I now have people asking for HER story! lol


  2. It was really an emotional book that a seriously took my time to read. I cried,got angry and laughed (Cassie & Luke being stuck together on the mountain is the funny part). Overall I loved it so much I think I'm going to read it again......

  3. Awesome letter… beautifully written..
