Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ethan by Nicole Edwards - 5 Stars Isn't Enough

I will share a little tidbit about me: I cry during movies (my husband will say sob or loudly weep) but not when I read books.  I don’t know why.  In all of the hundreds of books that I have read, regardless of how emotionally heart wrenching they were, I don’t cry.  It doesn’t have anything to do with how involved I am, I can’t tell you how many nights sleep I’ve lost because I couldn’t put a book down.  Until today there has only been one exception:  The Wedding by Nicolas Sparks.  Now there is a second: Ethan by Nicole Edwards.

Nicole didn’t set out to make the reader cry, she set out to tell a story.  Ethan’s story. Unfortunately, it is a story many men share.  A story of learning to accept yourself and love yourself for who you are and of learning to love and let others love you. 

It is also a story of bigotry and bullying. 

Ethan is a gay man in small town America.  Not in the closet, not out.  Just staying the shadows.  Not talking.  Not letting himself feel.  Not letting himself be loved, even by his own family.

That night by the lake is the reason for all of it.  One moment that was so painful that it defined him despite the millions of good moments before or since.  One person’s bigotry and hate changing the way he felt about himself and who and what he is.  His shame at what happened, his fear of it happening again and his fear of what he is reflecting on those he allows close to him, turning him into a loner that separates himself from everyone and prevents him from letting anyone in.

Beau was right, Gavin was also a victim and my heart goes out to him. Yes, he stood by and did nothing, but I am willing to bet that he felt every single blow. The choices he made reflect a boy who is hurting and, unlike Ethan, appears not to have a family to fall back on.

The moments in the bar are some of the most powerful I have read.  The Walkers standing shoulder to shoulder protecting their own.  And the Walkers standing shoulder to shoulder backing Ethan when he needed to stand up for himself.  Sawyer’s anger is so powerful you almost feel that if you reach out you could touch it.  Yet it isn’t really anger, or the desire for revenge, it is an outrage at what happen to Ethan and by extension the Walkers as a family, at what happen to Gavin and, although he isn’t aware of it, at what the Bennetts did to Beau.  It is a bone deep intolerance for intolerance.

Curtis and Lorrie’s love for each other and their family is equally powerful and real and is almost a character itself in the books, especially this one. When Lorrie sits with Beau I wanted to thank her and Curtis’s quiet way of a hand on a shoulder says more than volumes ever could.

The moment with Zane of acceptance and understanding was healing.  The moment with Sawyer, their pain, both of them, ripped my heart out. But it is the moment with Travis that broke me.  The moment when Ethan’s walls came down and he cried and he allowed himself to feel and to talk and to let it all out. 

I loved this book. Beau’s wonder at each new experience.  The way each man is given a moment, despite being huge, intimidating men, to be small, and cared for and loved.  The fierce loyalty and quiet acceptance of the Walkers is a thing of beauty.  Zane’s moment of clarity, with V’s help, is touching even as you want to smack him upside the head. And you forgive him his denseness when he stops being a guy long enough to truly reach out to his friend.

I love the celebration the Walkers at have at Moonshines.  They don’t say what they are celebrating even as each one congratulates Ethan and Beau.  I really think they are celebrating having their son and brother back and celebrating the man who loved him enough to bring him home.

I love this book. 5 stars.  2 thumbs up.  And a hug for Nicole.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Lorelei James - Blacktop Cowboys Books 1-5

Lorelei James will always be one of my favorite authors for her series Rough Riders. It was this series that showed me how much I love series that span families and generations each book focusing on someone new but keeping you up-to-date on the others.

In the Blacktop Cowboys series Lorelei has done it again. Not with one family this time, but with a group of friends that made themselves a family. These friends prove that sometimes the families we choose are stronger than the ones we are born into.  

The Blacktop Cowboys are unique in one very special way that endears itself to me. Not everything works perfectly every time.  Don’t get me wrong the sex scenes are turn-up-the-air-conditioning hot, just not every one of them.  Yet somehow Lorelei creates a moment that is even better because it isn’t perfect.

CORRALLED is probably my favorite. It's the first book I've read where the threesome didn't work. Hank and Kyle go into the threesome relationship reluctantly and from the beginning there is jealousy, one-upsmanship, and competition. The only time in the book the two straight men find themselves naked in bed with Lainey after sex trying to sleep, it is awkward and uncomfortable and one of the guys end up sleeping somewhere else. I felt sorry for Hank as he realized that maybe he was wrong about what Lainey wanted or needed sexually and worried that Kyle “had brought his A game to the bedroom and Hank had rested on his belief that he had it in the bag.  I laughed sympathetically as Kyle was “contemplating writing love songs? Serenading her by a campfire? Or in the moonlight?” In the end only one gets the girl.  It is raw and honest and I loved it. 

The rest of the books continued to have their honest moments.

In SADDLED AND SPURRED, the first time Bran and Harper have sex it wasn’t the “multiorgasmic fulfillment of all her long-held sexual desires, in fact she concluded “The reality never lived up to the hype.”  Trust me Bran more than makes up for it.  As for Bran, it was interesting getting into his head.  In a moment of contemplation Bran things that as “a guy aware of his level of attractiveness to the opposite sex, Bran knew he wasn’t butt ugly, yet he also knew he hadn’t been blessed with the same head-turning good looks as his buddies”. Whether that’s true or not, knowing that Harper felt that even Renner Jackson “doesn’t have anything on Bran Turner in the looks department” reminds us that it is all about perspective and that our other half doesn't need to be perfect he just needs to to be perfect for us.

In WRANGLED AND TANGLED, Tierney doesn’t have multiple, or any, orgasms the first time she has sex.  But the later scenes in the office (and the bed, and the corral, and the hotel) made sure we didn’t feel too sorry for her.  As for dominatrix Tierney, watching her find her power was hot, but not quite as hot as when Renner took over.

ONE NIGHT RODEO and TURN AND BURN  each had their raw, honest perfectly imperfect moments too.  Each one different and each one something real people, men, women and couples, face every day.  And all of their happily ever afters were better for them.


Until then I happily go back to the world where a virgin has multiple vaginal orgasms the first time, and every time, she has sex and thank all of my amazing authors for it.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Kallypso Masters - Somebody's Angel (Rescue Me #5) (MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS)

Dear Kally:

I have just put down Somebody's Angel (actually my ereader) and am sitting here still trying to process this book.  I am honestly emotionally tired.  

Through this book I wanted to smack Marc so many times, almost as many as I wanted to comfort him and hug him. Angelina you get a smack, a hug and a medal.  Remind me to never get on this girl's bad side and book me in anywhere she is cooking. Sign me up for the detail to pull out Melissa's hair (long and short). Castration is way too good for Paolo, it is so hard to believe anything good came from that waste of space.  Gino you deserve (another) medal for saving your brother over and over.  

But truly Natalia is the hero of this book. This woman has sacrificed so much. Loved so much. Hurt so much. She has built a business, cobbled together a family and raised them well and love Papa with all of her heart. And when it came time to face the music she did it with dignity and honor and the love her family at her six.  

So as I crawl out from under the table, from inside the closet, from the depth of the long gone wolf's lair and from behind the mask, I sigh quietly and curl up in front of the fire and grin stupidly at the ring. It was all worth it. 

Thank you for the wedding, I would have needed a drop sheet and a towel had I been there.  Thank you for the blade and butterflies that are still making me smile. Thank you for Adam, there is no better friend, top, Sargent and no bigger mush ball (don't tell him I said that).  And thank you for Master at Arms family, because that's what they are.

Kallypso Masters Somebody's Angel definitely gets my recommendation. 

Now can we talk about Cassie and Luke and don't forget about those babies, I have to be there for that. 


Stand Out Books 2013 (Originally posted to Facebook January 1, 2013)

2013 was the year I really fell in love with the Romantic Erotica genre. I have read so many good books and when I attended RAW 2013 I met so many amazing authors. I wanted to sit down and do a top 10 of 2013 but I kept changing the order and couldn't make up my mind and it kept growing and growing. So instead I have decided to do a list of the books that stand out for me in 2013. Yes it may be long but don't blame me blame all of the incredibly talented authors. 

First I need to say that E.L. James doesn't make the list, she is a category all her own. It is Fifty Shades of Grey that started it all for me and for that I will be forever grateful. 

Sirens in Bliss (Texas Sirens 8, Nights in Bliss, Colorado 10) - Sophie Oak

I love these 2 series. They follow family and friends, they overlap and characters cross over.  But this book brought them all together and inspired me to write my first ever review. I met Sophie at RAW and she is an incredible, honest & warm person. I will go back someday and read these series again, that's how good they are. 

Powertools Series & Hot Rods Series  - Jayne Rylon

Jayne is as raunchy as I get. And she's proud of it. Talking to her at RAW was one of the highlights for me. She can write an orgy as making love and I need a fan for every one of her books. I can't wait for the next Hot Rods and to see what else she cooks up in 2014. 

Colters' Gift (Colters' Legacy 5) - Maya Banks

This book finally got me to read the entire series and I love every moment of it. 

Burn, Rush & Fever (Breathless 1-3) - Maya Banks

Couldn't wait for the next one and was never disappointed. 

Their Virgin Princess & Their Virgin Hostage (Masters of Ménage 4 & 5) - Shayla Black & Lexi Blake

I love this series and always read the books the day they are released. I was fortunate enough to meet both of these awesome ladies at RAW and now have a signed book from the series proudly displayed on my shelf. 

The Young And The Submissive (The Doms of Her Life 2) - Shayla Black, Jenna Jacob  and Isabella LaPearl

I waited a long time for this book and it was worth every minute. Isabella asked me at RAW if I wanted a book or a good book. Isabella that you for creating a fantastic  book. 

Ours To Love & Wicked and Dangerous (Wicked Lovers 7 & 7.5) - Shayla Black

This was one of the series that made me fall in love with the genre and each book is better than the last. 

On Her Masters Secret Service, Sanctum & Love and Let Die (Masters and Mercenaries 4, 4.5 & 5) - Lexi Blake 

Another series I read the day it's released and just can't get enough of. 

Master Series 1-5 - Sierra Cartwright

I loved every single minute of every one of these books and can't wait for the next. 

One Night With Sole Regret & Sinners on Tour - Olivia Cunning

I can't help it I love the rock star books and no one does it like Olivia.

This Is Who I Am & If Only (Masters of the Shadowlands 7 & 8) - Cherise Sinclair

Another of my first series and always will be one of my favorites. Can't wait for the next one. And the one after. And the one after that. 

Entwined With You (Crossfire 3) - Sylvia Day

Gideon Cross need I say more. 

Alluring Indulgence Series & Club Destiny Series - Nicole Edwards 

I love series that follow a family or group of friends and let you watch them grow. These are both great examples. 

Rough Riders Series - Lorelei James

The ultimate example of following a family and one of my favorite series. I was so thankful for the family tree to keep track of them all. The McKays and their many branches will forever be in my heart. 

The Stark Trilogy - J. Kenner

Nikki is one of my favorite heroines. Watching her grow has been an experience. 

Because You Are Mine - Beth Kery

My first, but definitely not my last, serial novel. 

Bound Hearts - Lora Leigh

Another on of my first series that made me fall in love with the genre.  Nauti, Elite Ops, Tempting SEALs all have been part of 2013 for me. 

Brown Siblings Series - Lauren Dane

A little bit of rock star, a lot of family and an intricately woven story.  How could I resist

This Man Series - Jodi Ellen Malpas

Loved this series. 

The Blackstone Affair - Raine Miller

I loved every book including Cherry Girl

Finally I want to mention the Cougar Challenge series written by several authors already on this list and many who aren't. I loved this series and it inspired me to attend RAW. 

Must mentions are Natalie Acres, Cherrie Lynn, Melissa Schroeder, H. M. Ward, Katy Evans, Ella Fox, Kendall Grey, Joey W. Hill, K. Bromberg, Jamie Begley, Bella Jewel, M. Leighton, R. K. Kelly, Roni Loren Teresa Mummert, C. M Stunich and so many more. 

Thank all of you for so many wonderful moments in 2013.  Your talent has made me laugh and cry, blush and wear out so many fans. It has made me say "that position is not possible" (Jayne) and want to hug more than a few of your characters. I can't wait to see what happens in 2014. Cheers


Thank you Maya Banks for warming my heart. (Originally posted to Facebook December 20, 2013)

Over the last few days I have read the entire Colters’ Legacy series.  From Holly’s frozen body in the snow to the children running wild and free over the mountains, the family warmed my heart.  Watching Holly grow from that scared woman into the indomitable matriarch of the family that intimidated Lauren’s two badass men was a journey in hope, faith and love.  Callie’s story made me want to smack Max but their beautiful house made me want to curl up on the porch and listen to the stream.  Lily’s story broke my heart but Caleb healed it. And then there was Lauren. Because it is Maya Banks you know there will be a happily ever after but still, to be at Lauren’s wedding was such a gift. 

So now I have closed the last book and said goodbye to the Colters, the Prescotts, the Sullivans, the Sullivan-Prescotts  and the Wilders but I think I will stay in Callie’s meadow for just a little longer, maybe sit on Holly’s rock, listen to the stream and enjoy the peace of the Colorado mountains.  Thank you for my new happy place Maya.


Super Nova - Jayne Rylon (Originally posted to Facebook December 4, 2013)

Super Nova by Jayne Rylon rocks!  As always the story is fun, the sex is (fans herself wit 2 fans) HOT, and the guys (panting) are drool worthy.  I love how she works in the Powertools.  Only Jayne Rylon can write an orgy and give it the feel of 2 people (or 3 or 9) making love. I can't wait for next one!