Thursday, March 13, 2014


I can't breathe. I'm sitting here with tears running down my face and a stupid smile on it. My daughter thinks I am absolutely crazy.

This is easily one of my favorite books ever, and I have read a lot of books. I have always said that a really good movie is one that makes you laugh and makes you cry, makes you want to kill someone and hug someone, even if it is the same someone, and stays with you after you leave the theater. That is this book.

Becks makes me laugh every time, as does Haddie, two incredible people, you can’t ask for better friends. I will make sure to remember Haddie’s advice to wear a dress that does up at the back after you fight with your husband. As for Becks, I will never look at the magnetic letters of the alphabet on the fridge the same way again.

I definitely cried, I think I’m out of Kleenex. No fictional situation has ripped my heart to shreds the way the scene in the stands did. No fictional situation has destroyed me the way Colton explaining his feelings about that night did. I cried and laughed my way through the scavenger hunt especially its conclusion. As for the prologues…as I said I can’t breathe.

I could give you a list of the people in this book I wanted to kill, I keep changing my mind who is at the top. Pick someone from the past or the present. Male or female. There is definitely one blonde in there.

I could also give you a list of the people in this book I wanted to hug. Rylee and Colton are on this list. So is Andy Westin. That man has a heart of gold and when he sat on the floor in Colton’s living room with him, I didn’t know who to hug, of course I could barely read the words because I was crying too hard.

I have to admit, at one point I was even yelling at the book, yup my daughter wanted to commit me.

Kristy thank you for bringing Colton and Rylee into my life and touching my heart so completely. This is a series I will definitely read again. May all of the Coltons out there find their Andys. May all the Zanders find places like The House. May everyone be lucky enough to find their Colton or Rylee, I know how lucky I am to have found mine.

Rifka Reader

If you could read a book all over again for the first time, which book would you choose?

The question was posted today:  If you could read a book all over again for the first time, which book would you choose?  I started a reply that began with:  “This question is almost painful.  There are so many choices.”  And the reply grew and grew.  So I decided to write this.  Obviously I recommend every book in this posting, you’ll see why. 

Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon.  – (Post-Apocalyptic Fiction) - This is easily my favorite book of all time.  To this day it is the only book that I have finished and immediately started reading again. I have read it again several times since and each time I read this book I get something new from it. 

The Stand by Stephen King.  - (Post-Apocalyptic Fiction)  This is easily my second favorite book of all time.  I loved this book even more the second time I read it because I discovered the uncut version that added even more layers to the book.

Harry Potter Series by J. K. Rowling – (Young Adult Fiction) – I love these books.  These books were the first series I really shared with my two oldest kids that I loved as much (if not more) than they did. Harry Potter was something we enjoyed as individuals and shared as a family.  I loved watching not just my kids, but their friends as well, discover a love of reading with these books.  It also lead to more family time with video games, board games, and the movies.

Wicked Lovers Series by Shayla Black and Masters of the Shadowlands Series by Cherise Sinclair – (Romantic Erotica) – Although I discovered the genre through Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James, it was these two series that really made me fall in love with it.

Backstage Pass by Olivia Cunning – (Romantic Erotica) –   Simply because she made me fall in love with Rock Stars. 

Kate's Crew by Jayne Rylon because it was the first time I felt I needed a diagram to figure out how the heck that position with that many people was possible.

Thanks to E.L. James, Shayla Black, Cherise Sinclair and Olivia Cunning (and Sophia Oak, Lora Leigh, Natalie Acres, Melissa Schroeder, Raine Miller, Silvia Day, Ranae Rose and many many many others) I discovered a genre, a community, a hobby, conferences (aka girls weekend), and friends.  So yes, it would be fun to read them again for the first time.

Thank you Stephanie Burke and Eloisa James for asking a question (on Facebook)  that made me smile.

Rifka Reader