Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sophie Oak why didn't you warn me?

So anyone that knows me knows I love Sophie Oak Night's in Bliss, Colorado series. Seriously with all of that alpha cowboy hotness how can anyone not?  Sophie's latest book, Sirens in Bliss, is a cross over between her Bliss series and her Sirens series called Siren's in Bliss.  Her Sirens series has long been on my to to-read list but I hadn't quite got there yet, but with the new cross over book I sat down and started Small Town Siren........and couldn't stop.

Talk about alpha male hotness. Julian and Finn, Jack and Sam, Trev and Bo, Leo and Wolf, Aiden and Lucus (fanning myself), Chase and Ben (Chase and Ben sigh, where is my silk rope?). Each one got better, a few hotter than the others.  I lost sleep because I couldn't put them down. And then I got to Sirens in Bliss.

Ms Oak you cannot put that much hotness in one book. 

Lexi's speech at the wedding had me blubbering, my husband is away, I had to call him long distance to tell him what she told me to!

But the last few chapters of that book, I didn't need a hand fan, I needed a windmill farm!  I was up until 4am because I could not put that book down.  Welcome back Steph, thank you Aiden, and Rafe I must say you are very creative and make excellent use of your time.

I also must thank you for the special gift to your fans at the end of the book.  For all us forty somethings out there staring at our 00 size daughters I think we can all empathize with Abby.  But by the time Jack was done with me, let's just say I was glad I had fired up that windmill farm (and the hand fan, and the little portable fan and the oscillating fan..never mind).

I am so sad that I am done the series and so very glad I read them.  I can't wait for the next one of either series.  But please Sophie the next time you decide to put that many alpha male cowboy doms in one book warn me so I can read it when my husband is home and I don't have to be up at 7am the next morning.

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